martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Post n.008 - News

German aluminium industry enters new decade in confident mood.

GDA expects steady aluminium demand in H1 2011 / strong demand for rolled aluminium products / extrusion business at good level.

09.12.10 - 
The German aluminium industry was extremely dynamic in 2010 and is now enjoying a steady upswing. “The ever stronger upward trend that started in the middle of 2009 continued in the first nine months of 2010 so that the industry’s expectations have been clearly exceeded in certain areas this year,” reported Friedrich W. Brökelmann, President of Düsseldorf-based Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA) at a recent press conference.
Domestic demand has stabilised and demand from abroad has also become firm. It is possible that in some areas of aluminium processing output will already return to pre-crisis levels this year.
The sector is expecting the good economic trend to continue in the first half of 2011, too. The improved level of business activity in the aluminium sector is being driven by the economic recovery being enjoyed by domestic carmakers and the capital goods industry. In addition there is the stable situation in the building industry and the recovery in private consumption. The booming solar industry has also helped improve the level of capacity utilisation in the sector.
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